Monday, August 31, 2009

Unveiling of New Monument

The following is the oration at the unveiling ceremony by south Armagh Republican Sean Hughes;

"I would like to thank Newry Sinn Féin for the invite to speak here tonight at the unveiling of this monument. I would like to commend the Hughes Grant Watters cumann for their work and the effort in building this tribute to five brave IRA Volunteers from this area. I want to give a special mention to cumann members Paddy Doherty and Jim Rowntree who were also involved in the erection of the previous monument that the late Martin Meehan unveiled here 16 years ago. I also want to acknowledge the contribution that the people of Derrybeg made towards this project. Indeed there is no greater tribute to any fallen volunteer than a monument as fitting as this to be erected in the area from which they came by their friends, neighbours and comrades.

"I know this makes their families very proud.

"I take this opportunity to welcome former comrades of Patsy, Eddie, Michael, Brendan and Collie, many of whom are here tonight. I especially want to welcome the Hughes, Grant Watters and Marks families here. I want to extend our solidarity to them and acknowledge the grief and pain that they have suffered. Families of our fallen volunteers hold a special place in the Republican Movement. We cherish this relationship and value their support which has been unwavering over all these years and we appreciate and respect them for that.

"This monument is dedicated to 5 especially brave and dedicated IRA Volunteers from Derrybeg. Ordinary young men who rose to meet the extraordinary challenges facing them. They faced these challenges at different times and in different phases of the struggle. They were all of different age and different type. They were unique individuals in their own right. However, all 5 possed the qualities that motivated them that when they seen the injustice and oppression being imposed upon their communities, they stepped up to the plate and put themselves forward to defend the people of their area. They joined the ranks of Óglaigh Na hÉireann in order to build a new country based on the ideals contained within the proclamation of 1916.

"Tonight we remember Patsy Hughes who was a 35 year old married man with 7 childen when he was killed on active service at Newry Customs Post on August 22nd 1972.

"We also remember his son Michael (Sticky) Hughes who at only 16 years of age was shot dead here in Derrybeg by the British Army whilst on active service just over 2 years after his father's death. We can only imagine the devastation felt by the Hughes' family at that time and since. The previous year Eddie (Starchy) Grant who was a friend of Sticky, was killed on active service down the town on Christmas Eve 1973 at the age of 17.

"On this year on the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Na Fianna Eireann by Bulmer Hobson and Countess Markvievz, we reflect on the contribution that our young people have made to the struggle over the years and we remember volunteers like Michael and Eddie who gave their all and lost their lives at such a tender age.

"Ten years later in August 1984, Volunteer Brendan (Cindy) Watters was killed on active service, he was 24 years old, he too had come up through the ranks of Na Fianna and joined Óglaigh Na hÉireann. Brendan was respected by all his comrades as a fearless and resourceful Volunteer.

And finally in April 1991 Collie Marks was shot dead in a shoot to kill operation by the RUC in Downpatrick. He was an experienced operator who had suffered years of harrassment. He too was a dedicated and committed Volunteer, assassinated whilst prosecuting the war outside of his own area. We all remember the disgraceful comments of Eddie McGrady at that time.

"We are extrememly proud of these 5 Volunteers. They were ours, they came from this area. They were decent, selfless and honourable people who gave their all for a just cause and this monument is indeed a fitting tribute to them. Collectively, they represent a generation of resistance by the people of Derrybeg. From the early 1970's when Patsy, Eddie and Michael stood with the people here to defend their areas during the Civil Unrest of that time, when Nationalists were being beaten off the streets for demanding basic Civil Rights. Up until the 1980's and 90's when Collie, Brendan and their comrades brought the Armed Struggle to a new height and brought the British Government to the negotiating table in the realisation that the IRA would not be defeated.

"This area has indeed a proud history and has every right to have a sense of itself. Derrybeg's name has become synonymous with struggle and resistance. This community has seen it all, suffered all the injustices, and came through it unbowed and unbroken. Derrybeg was built in the early 1960's by the Stormont Regime which ran the Orange State at that time. It amounted to a few hundred homes. Many of the original families are still resident in the area and are with us here tonight. There was one road in and one road out in an attempt to ghettoise the population. They witnessed the raids and brutality of the B specials in the 1960's, and, when the Nationalist people of the 6 counties came onto the streets demanding their Rights, Derrybeg was to the fore. Indeed, 40 years ago, when the 6 counties erupted and the Orange State began to crumble Newry was centre stage. In the week after Bloody Sunday thousands of people marched from here into the town in defiance. Hundreds of homes were raided here during Internment when there WAS internment without trial.

"Twelve year old Kevin Heatley was shot dead from this spot by the British Army in February 1973. We remember him tonight. This area has remained a Republican stronghold and continues to play its part in the ongoing development of our struggle. The IRA were defenders of the people and the community opened their doors to them. I want to make a special mention of the women of the area. Six women from this estate served prison sentences and countless others played crucial roles during the war and since.

"This area has seen great change since the early 1970's, the Six County State has been reformed. This is 2009 not 1969, Natioanlists have come off their knees and are now confident about the future. Some Unionists want to go back to the old regime but there is no going back, the ORANGE STATE HAS GONE. COLLIE, BRENDAN, MICHAEL, EDDIE, PATSY AND THEIR COMRADES HAVE SEEN TO THAT.

"Their efforts have lifted the struggle to a new phase and presented us with new challenges and new opportunities. The potential exists to deliver our Republican objectives by another means.

"Ógaligh Na hÉireann has by their iniatives, created the space to allow us to achieve this. We have outlined a strategy that we believe can deliver this.

"Some may seek to undermine it and say that they have another one. They need to outline it to us, tell us what what it is and more importantly put it to the people and seek their support just as we did. If we remain focussed and apply the same level of committment and determination to what we have to do, as the Volunteers that we remember here tonight did, then, i am confident that we can deliver the new Ireland in line with the vision to which these 5 men aspired. We are now in the business of closing the deal, completing the journey that we set out on many years ago. We need to be strategic and patient in our approach while implementing our strategy, we have to continually develop and build our political strenght. we need to remain rooted and relevant to our communities. Just as we did during times of crisis and challenges in the past. We must continue to champion peoples rights in the light of the economic difficulties that our communities now face. We need to do this on all of the island especially in the 26 counties in order to make ourselves more relevant and build our political and electoral strength to drive our strategy forward. Locally we must consolidate the electoral gains made in Newry/Armagh over the last decade and prepare for the defense of Sinn Féin's Westminster seat next year. we must constantly keep moving Unionism in the direction that we want them to go, continue to develop and build upon the All Ireland aspects of the Good Friday Agreement and simultaneously convince Unionism that they would be more secure within a United Ireland. We need to continue with the job of bringing about the necessary changes to policing in this state and i want to commend those who work within Sinn Féin and the District Policing Partnerships in order to bring this about. We have seen enough bad policing, our communities deserve better and we intend to deliver on this issue.

"These are considerable challenges, we must rise to meet them just as the volunteers we remember here tonight did in their time. We are confident that our stategy will succeed and deliver our primary objective of a free, democratic and socialist Republic.

"Only that would serve as a final tribute to Patsy, Eddie, Michael, Brendan and Collie. We are determined to see that to its fruition. We owe it to them and to those who have died before and since.

"Go raibh maith agat, Beir bua agus tiocfaidh ar lá."

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rededication Parade

Saturday 29th August 2009

Assemble 6.30pm Bottom of Camloch Road

Parade to New Monument Second Avenue Derrybeg

Wreath Laying at Volunteer Michael Hughes' Monument

Speaker Sean Hughes

Function Afterwards Bellagio Suite Bellinis Newry

Táille £5

Everyone Welcome

Cumann Activism

Just in case some people didn't understand why this blog is here, let me remind you. It is here to promote the local cumann and let people know in advance about upcoming events in the area that the cumann are involved in. It is not a talking shop for others to attack our movement and it is certainly not intended to be a platform for micro groups. Feel free to observe what we intend to do in the district by logging onto the blog.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

National Draw Tickets

Sinn Féin National Draw Tickets are now on sale from local activists.
The prizes are:

1st -E20,000
2nd - Holiday of your Choice to the value of E2,000
3rd - E1,000
4th - E750
5th - E500
Plus 45 prizes of E150

Táille E15/stg £10

Draw takes place 17th October 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Leaflet Drop

I was very confused when i received a flyer through my door recently highlighting the campaign to "Free Colin Duffy". The flyer brought home to me things that we had to endure some years ago when crown force harrassment was way of daily life for many families in this community. The one thing that did annoy me was the slander that suggested that there are some people from this community who would rather that Colin wasn't mentioned at all. I for one knew Colin and his family and the author of this leaflet couldn't be further from the truth. The Duffy's solicitor and legal team should be shown what, if any, evidence there is against him and if there is none he should be released immediately. What i can't understand is why the bill board that was erected in Main Avenue wasn't erected on the busy Camloch Road which has thousands of people driving up and down every day. The people of Derrybeg don't need convincing of the plight of Irish prisoners and one has to ask why the billboard was erected at the entrance to Second Avenue. We are expecting a large crowd in that area for the unveiling of the new monument on the 29th August and maybe this is why that junction was picked. I would also like someone to explain why Collie is the only republican prisoner being highlighted for release. It just begs the question who are these people's real enemies, is it the Brits or is it Sinn Féin?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mystery of Missing Flagpole

Rumours and innuendoes were rife around the removal of the flag pole in Sandy's field. All sorts of stories were being fired around as to what actually did happen. (We even heard that Willie "Walter Mitty" Frazier was the culprit).Most people will agree that the positioning of the pole was excellent as it could be seen from nearly every part of Newry and it became a sort of land mark. Everyone looked forward to Easter time when the 30ft tricolour was hoisted and flew proudly at the top of Sandy's field. The truth about the pole is that as time went by the mechanical pulley system inside the pole had snapped leaving it virtually impossible to reach the flag without the use of a telescopic forklift. The cumann decided that the pole had to replaced for safety reasons. So there you have it folks the people who erected the pole some years ago, took it down and we are pleased to announce that as we speak a brand new pole is being manufactured and will be in situ very soon.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Rededication Parade

Saturday 29th August at 6.30pm.

Assemble at bottom of Camlough Road, Saturday 29th August 2009 @ 6.30pm

Parade to monument at Main Avenue Derrybeg

Speaker: Lifelong Republican Sean Hughes

Function afterwards in Bellagio Suite Bellini's Newry

Ceol agus Craic

Taille £5

Tickets available from cumann members.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Encouraging Discussion

Having recently talked to a number of republican ex POW's as to where they thought that the political project was headed at present, i was greatly encouraged to hear their thoughts. Here are some people who have given their all for the Republican Movement and who sacrificed so much to achieve the ultimate goal. While fully understanding why some republicans are unhappy and indeed opposed to the Sinn Fein strategy, they stated that the Sinn Féin strategy is the only one that will achieve Irish unity. It is worth mentioning at this point that the people who spoke to me are not political activists but are fully spportive of the present Sinn Fein strategy. One of them made the point very clearly that the present leadership spoke to the prisoners right throughout the peace process and have followed that through to the present day. It was said from the start that this would be a slow and sometimes difficult process and that unity is the key to all of this. It has to be noted that not everyone is interested in politicals but most of the men and women who came through the jails are fully supportive of the present strategy. The old cliché comes into play "horses for courses".
The policing issue was talked about in length. Policing is a necessity in any society and for too long a lot of nationalist youth were subject to daily harrassment from members of the crown forces, young people who had no politics grew to hate the crown forces and viewed them as a loyalist paramilitary force. They were subjected to daily stop and search routines and watched helplessly as family members were hauled off to interogation centres. But they agreed that things are changing for the better and people want and deserve a police service who are impartial and even handed. Communities are torn apart by local drug dealers and anti social elements and they need to feel confident in helping to remove these people from our areas and not feel threatened in doing so. There is a long way to go until we get the police service that we strive for but things are going in the right direction. One thorny issue that was discussed was the use of plastic bullets recently in Ardoyne and we were all in agreement that these weapons which have caused so much pain down through the years must be taken from the hands of the police. They are not and will not be acceptable to nationalists.
So i left the discussion happy and pleased to hear that people who made a massive contribution to our struggle are still fully behind Sinn Féin's political stratey for bringing about national unity.

Blog From Gerry Adams

Maghaberry PrisonTwo weeks ago a Sinn Fein delegation, including elected representatives Caral Ní Chuilín, John O’Dowd, Paul Maskey and Raymond McCartney visited Maghaberry prison to view conditions and meet with prisoners. Coiste Na nIar Chimí representative Michael Culbert was also part of the delegation. I had already discussed the Maghaberry situation with Minister of Justice David Ford and asked for clearance for the Sinn Fein prison visit. At the start of this week Martin McGuinness and Raymond McCartney MLA also met with him on this situation. In addition Caral Ní Chuilín MLA has also met and had several conversations by phone with the Head of Prisons in the north Robin Masefield.The news on Tuesday evening that Liam Hannaway had ended his hunger strike was therefore welcome news. He had raised a number of issues with the Sinn Féin delegation when they met him two weeks ago. These were discussed directly with the prison administration and the Justice Minister. It was clear from all the conversations that have taken place that with the necessary political will all of the issues relating to Liam Hannaway, and indeed the wider problems in Roe House can be resolved.The fact that another prisoner Harry Fitzsimons, who had been held in the punishment block, had now been moved back into Roe House was also a welcome development.It clear that there are problems with the regime in Maghaberry. Maghaberry has been the focus of a series of critical reports over a number of years.In 2006, an inspection made over 155 recommendations but more than half were never implemented. The most recent inspector’s report made over 200 recommendations and concluded that the current situation in Maghaberry could not be allowed to continue. Last year, the prison governor and his deputy were dismissed and 13 members of staff disciplined following an inquiry into the suicide of a prisoner in August 2008. Subsequent reports were highly critical of the way the prison was being run and disciplinary procedures were taken against prison staff who it was alleged were surfing the net and watching television rather than being on suicide watch.Four prisoners have taken their own lives in the last 4 years in Maghaberry.A new governor, brought in last July to implement reform, faced open hostility from staff. Following his car registration number and name being found in a prisoner's cell the governor resigned amidst fears for his safety. Subsequently the Prisoner Ombudsman Pauline McCabe was asked to carry out an investigation when it was alleged that a member of the prison staff planted the note in order to intimidate the Governor. Earlier this year, increasing tensions between staff and prisoners culminated in protests by a number of segregated prisoners, including a 48-hour lock-in of prisoners during Easter. Recently relatives of some of these prisoners have been in contact with Sinn Féin representatives in relation to the situation in Maghaberry. The Sinn Fein delegation that visited Maghaberry on May 14th had access to the segregated wing and met with ten prisoners representing various groups within Roe House. The delegation also met with the current governor, Alan Craig, and other members of the administration. The prisoners raised a number of issues. They included complaints about a number of punitive actions such as the use of strip-searching as harassment of both prisoners and their visitors and a range of other conditions-related issues that were very familiar to the former prisoners on the delegation. The prisoners cited one clear example of this. Despite the fact that it was obviously unnecessary, prisoners appearing by video link for remand were being subjected to strip-searches. The proximity of dogs in the visit processing area, the presence of the PSNI in the visitors’ area, the public identification of those who are to be strip-searched, and visitors being threatened with arrest if they refuse to be strip-searched, were also raised. The delegation assured them their concerns would be conveyed to the prison administration, the Prison Service and to the Justice Minister – and they have.Republicans have a long experience of prisons and of hostile and antagonistic prison systems. It is our belief that prisoners and their families must be treated with dignity and respect. Prisoners have rights and the prison regime should reflect this. There is currently a review taking place into the prison regime. It is our intention to continue to pursue all the matters involved with the Minister of Justice and the Prison system.
Posted by Gerry Adams at 4:42 PM

The following is a statement from Sinn Féin delegation who recently visited prisoners in Maghaberry

McCartney details Sinn Féin delegation visit and ‘serious concerns’ about Maghaberry situation

Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney was part of a Sinn Féin delegation which entered Maghaberry Gaol last Friday. The delegation included Mr McCartney, Carál Ní Chuilín MLA, Paul Maskey MLA and John O’Dowd MLA. The Sinn Féin team was accompanied by Michael Culbert of Coiste na nIarchimí.

The delegation reported back to the Sinn Féin Assembly Team on Monday morning.

Speaking after the visit Raymond McCartney described the meeting with Roe House prisoners as “a very positive engagement” in which the men had outlined their concerns.

“A range of issues were raised by the prisoners. They included complaints about a number of punitive actions such as the use of strip searching as harassment of both prisoners and their visitors and a range of other conditions-related issues that were very familiar to the former prisoners on the delegation,” said Mr McCartney.

“It was clear that with the right political will that all of these issues could be resolved. The delegation discussed all of this with the ten prisoners we met and assured them their concerns would be conveyed to the prison administration, the Prison service and to the Justice Minister,” said McCartney.

A number of matters concerned with the harassment of visitors were also raised by the delegation. These included the proximity of dogs in the visit processing area, the presence of the PSNI in the visitors-area, the public selecting of who is to be strip searched and visitors being threatened with arrest if they refuse to be strip searched.

Prisoners also raised issues of access, particularly the practice of forcing segregated prisoners to eat their meals in the cells.

“The delegation also met with Liam Hannaway whose health has become a matter of concern. Liam outlined his concerns, all of which centred on prison conditions and procedures. It was the firm belief of the delegation that all of these issues could be satisfactorily dealt with by the governor,” said Raymond.

The delegation had requested to meet with Harry Fitzsimmons, a prisoner being held in isolation, but this did not happen due to a misunderstanding.

“Harry’s lawyer contacted me last Saturday to explain the situation and assure me that his client was not in any way snubbing the delegation. The delegation had sought to visit Harry after his family raised concerns about his health and well being,” said Mr McCartney.

It has also been reported that Harry Fitzsimmons has been subjected to physical assault by members of the prison staff.

“After our 3 hour meeting with the prisoners, the delegation met with the governor again to outline their concerns and suggestions. In the coming period Sinn Fein will meet with the director general of the prison service, with representatives of the prison administration as well as the Minister for Justice, David Ford, regarding our deep concerns about the current situation for prisoners and their families in Maghaberry,” he concluded.

Week of Activities

Week of Activities
Hunger Strike Commemoration