We thought that the time was now right to outline just some of the work carried out by the Vol Hughes Grant Watters cumann in the Derrybeg area in recent months. There is no doubt that some will try and rubbish the good work done but residents know themselves who is delivering and helping on their behalf. From the outset let us congratulate the Derrybeg Community Association who have been involved in some good work also. Our job as cumann activists is to try and help and represent people from right across this area regardless of their politics or beliefs, but especially those people who continue to vote for Sinn Féin in large numbers. We will outline some of the work that the cumann and the Party were involved with in recent months.
The Old "All Weather Pitch"
This area was beginning to become a gathering point for young drivers and a number of residents contacted the cumann and the local councillor to see if anything could be done to secure this area. Cllr Mathers quickly organised a site meeting and within a short period the council had erected a number of barriers and issued local residents with keys at both the First and Second Avenue access points. After a short time it was discovered that the cars were still gaining entrance to the area via an embankment at Second Avenue. This was pointed out to the council and they quickly blocked this entrance by placing large boulders making it impossible to drive into this area.
Derrybeg Football Pitch
The cumann along with Cllr Mathers discovered that some funding was available from DSD for essential maintainance work to be carried out to Derrybeg Football pitch. Again a site meeting was called and as a result the entire outside of the pitch now has a secure ballstop. Although there is still some improvements that could happen, this was the first time in years that any sort of help was secured for the local football club. The cumann and our elected reps will continue to work on behalf of the football club.
Monuments for Local IRA Volunteers
When the cumann was established several years ago one of the first tasks was to begin fundraising to erect a permanent memorial to IRA Volunteer Michael Hughes at the spot where he was murdered by the Brits at the age of 16 while on active service. Despite the fact that this monument was attacked and badly vandalised, the cumann quickly replaced the monument with a brand new stone which now stands pride of place at the entrance to the estate. Around the same time local republicans decided that a project would be undertaken to rebuild the monument at Second Avenue with a larger and more visible monument. After a lot of hard work this was unveiled in late August by local republicans which involved a successful parade from Newry. The main speaker at this event was south Armagh republican Sean Hughes.
Old Play Park in Third Avenue
What had become a long running problem for residents of Third Avenue was that this area was being used by young people for drinking especially at the weekends resulting in anti social activity. Local people approached the cumann to see if something could be done in regards to this. With the help of councillors Marian Mathers and Brendan Curran a site meeting was called which was also attended by members of the community association, council officials and senior Housing Executive people agreed to have the area cleaned up as a matter of urgency. It is our hope that the agencies who own this piece of land can secure the area in some fashion so that people of Third Avenue don't have to live with the fear of late night drinkers on their doorsteps.
General Clean Up
The cumann have on numerous occasions successfully lobbied to have different parts of the area cleaned up and maintained when neccessary. We continue to make the council or the housing executive aware of issues wherever and whenever they occur.
Welfare Rights Issues
The cumann has been constantly involved with this important issue, one that effects everyone. As a result of the high volume of requests for this work the cumann will be organising another elected reps clinic in the coming weeks. (At the last Derrybeg Community Association AGM, Marian Mathers volunteered her services as a committee member but made it clear that due to work committments and council committments she would be unable to attend every meeting but offered her services in whatever other way she could help the committee. But after a few weeks Marian was informed by letter by the Community Association that her services were no longer required in the Community House. As a result of this decision the cumann has to look for alternative premises to hold the elected reps clinic). Here residents have a chance to meet with the elected reps and discuss problems. So it is clear to see that the local Hughes Grant Watters cumann is as active as ever and we look forward to being of assistance in the coming months for residents in this area.