Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Disgraceful PSNI Tactics

Once again the Derrybeg Estate has been used by the PSNI TSG (Tactical Support Group) personnel to bring the area into bad press. After extensive enquiries and after speaking to many local people, the blame for what happened on Friday night lies firmly at the feet of those in charge of the PSNI operation on the night.
We were informed on Friday night that a "suspicious object" was discovered at the Camlough Road Roundabout resulting in the closure of many roads in and around this area. The "suspicious object" was not in or was it near the DERRYBEG ESTATE or CARNAGAT, so, therefor there was absolutley no need for heavily armed PSNI men in armoured land rovers to be anywhere near these areas let alone in them.
If the PSNI are serious about impartial policing then they need to work very hard with local people to address this serious issue which arises every time something like this happens on this road. From the accounts that we received from local people on the ground, the PSNI continually provoked young people (many as young as 10 years of age) by driving land rovers at them and deliberately parking in the middle of the road hoping for a reaction.
If this "object" was causing so much disruption, then, we would like to know how one of our elected reps was able to walk within yards of the slip road up onto the bypass, indeed an ambulance drove straight past the scene without being stopped or warned of the danger. We even had workers from a local factory making their way home unhindered. One resident from the area described the scene as a throwback to the 1970's.
We in Sinn Féin are determined not to allow a small number of PSNI members drag us back to a situation where young people are being antagonised into riot situations which then leaves them facing serious charges in the courts. The people of this area demand and deserve a proper police service and also demand to be treated no differently than people from other affluent parts of the town.
Local residents must be commended on their selfless actions in trying to quell what was a very dangerous situation. Sinn Féin is working hard on a daily basis to bring the PSNI to account on a range of issues and we recognise the efforts made by residents and applaud them. For those of us who have been about in the bad old days of the RUC we are determined to ensure that this area receives proper accountable community policing.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

'80-'81 Newry Hunger Strike Committee

Plans are well advanced for a number of events which take place over the coming months to commemorate the sacrifice made by protesting republican prisoners and their families during the dark days of the early 1980's in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh and also Armagh Women's prison. The first event takes place this Sunday 19th December at 5.30pm at Vol Raymond McCreesh Park, Patrick Street, Newry. Here, a candle light vigil will be hosted by the local committee to coincide with the ending of the first hunger strike. The date also marks the anniversary of local man Sean McKenna who took part in the initial hunger strike. Everyone regardless of their political persuasion is encouraged to come along and mark this unique event in our history. A letter from one of the women prisoners who embarked on the strike will be read by Newry ex-POW Eileen Hillen.

Grand Christmas Draw

The Hughes Grant Watters Sinn Féin Cumann are holding a grand Christmas Draw with two fantastic prizes on offer;
1st Prize Weekend For 2 People in Camden Court Hotel Dublin
2nd Prize 19" Flat Screen/DVD Combi
Tickets cost £10 Each and can be purchased at the Sinn Féin office or through any cumann member.
Draw will take place on 24th December

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Anniversary of IRA Volunteer Michael Hughes

The 18th October marked the 36th anniversary of Óglach Michael Hughes who was murdered at the entrance to the Derrybeg Estate in defence of his area by the forces of occupation. Although Michael was only 16 years of age when he died he had become a trusted volunteer within that area and indeed throughout Newry.
A wreath was laid on the monument in Main Avenue which stands close to the actual spot where Michael was gunned down.
The Hughes Grant Watters Sinn Féin cumann remembers with pride all those who gave their lives in the fight for Irish Freedom.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Motorist Vigilance Urged

Sinn Féin MLA Mickey Brady has urged Newry motorists to be vigilant while driving following the experience of one Newry family.

The Sinn Féin Assembly Member explained, “I received a phone call, via the Newry Sinn Féin office, from a constituent who explained that his daughter and her family had been involved in an incident in the Ardcarne Park area of Newry on Sunday night.

“This family, consisting of a husband and wife and four small children, were driving along when all of a sudden a missile was hurled from behind a fence. The missile, which they believe to be a large stone or brick, smashed into the windscreen of the car.

“Luckily the windscreen did not shatter and the gentleman driving the car was able to keep it on the road. Obviously this was a very frightening incident for this family, made worse by the fact that the wife is heavily pregnant with the couples 5th child.

“The trajectory of the missile clearly shows that had it penetrated the windscreen it would have collided with the driver of the car. Had this happened I believe it would have been almost impossible for him to retain control of the vehicle. This could have made him collide into oncoming traffic or swerve into the ditch, either way the outcome would not have been good.

Mickey continued by praising this family for coming forward with their story, “We are trying to highlight this in an effort to prevent the same thing happening to other families and also to prick the conscience of those who carried out this completely unprovoked attack.
“The reality is,” Mr Brady concluded, “that we could have been looking at fatalities as a result of this reckless and indiscriminate action. I strongly condemn the people who did this and I do not wish this to happen to any other family on Newry’s

Friday, October 8, 2010

DPP member slams police response

Sinn Féin’s Brendan Curran has hit out at the PSNI response following a vicious attack on a lady in her home in Carnagat.

The lady, who was the victim of a robbery, was also forced to endure a horrific ordeal as she was left abandoned and physically restrained by the thieves.

“This lady went through a terrible and traumatic robbery in her own home,” the Newry Councillor said, “This is the very place where people should feel most safe and secure. However if this nightmare was not bad enough the lack of response to this robbery from the PSNI was totally inadequate and disgraceful.”

“The apprehension of these criminals demanded an immediate and effective response, but instead the police refused to enter the area.

Councillor Curran, also a District Policing Partnership member for Newry said, “We cannot tolerate police ‘no go’ areas in Newry. The people who live in the Carnagat / Derrybeg area are entitled to a full police service which meets their needs as are people in all other areas.

The PSNI suggestion to this family that they make a statement in a Newry carpark is totally unacceptable and I would question whether this is protocol for policing in Newry?

The next day response by the PSNI is not acceptable

Police need to engage in a community wide consultation to identify and remove these barriers to effective policing and I have no doubt that the good people of this community will not be found wanting and will embrace issues of community safety.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brady – Stop witch hunt of benefit recipients

Sinn Féin MLA for Newry Armagh and spokesperson on welfare, Mickey Brady has said it is high time to end the witch hunt against benefit recipients following announcements of benefit cuts under the welfare reform bill.
Mickey Brady said:
“The ongoing witch hunt against benefit recipients must not go unchallenged. The Tory government right down to sensationalist media programs are painting all those on benefits as spongers, dossers and fraudsters.
“If they were to take an honest and realistic approach to this issue then the facts could clearly be exposed and the myth of benefit fraud would be ended.
“If we take for example people who receive child benefit on income support, income support is reduced by the amount of child benefit received. This is not an additional payment making it extremely difficult for low income families.
“Disability Living Allowance is the least fraudulent benefit with less that 0.01% being fraudulent claims yet constant attention is focused upon this particular benefit.
“The issue of carers is even more scandalous. Carers save the British government £3bn per year by only receiving £53.90 for a 35 hour minimum week. This works out at £1.30 an hour, one quarter of the minimum wage. If carers earn one penny over £95 outside of these payments their benefit is stopped.
“Little focus however is placed on the fact that last year clerical error or mistakes in payments cost £32 million a saving that we should really be striving for instead of punishing the vulnerable.
“The DSD Minister has made much of his contacts with the British secretary for work and pensions, Ian Duncan Smith, whose proposed reforms can only lead to further hardship for those most in need.
“Despite the concerns being spoken off by Alex Attwood, the DSD minister is preparing to migrate 76,000 claimants from incapacity to jobs seekers at a time when there is no jobs with a prolonged recession and job opportunities that are almost none existent. “We already have one of the poorest welfare systems in Europe, a mechanism that is a safety net for those in society who really need it. What we need to see now is a clear and concise argument from the Minister which includes concrete proposals of how he protect the vulnerable and fight these cuts.”

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cowardly House Robbery

Local Sinn Féin councillor Marian Mathers has condemned the latest burglary which took place in the Clanrye Park area. An elderly man was physically held down while the thugs ransacked the house looking for money. They escaped with a small amount of cash and bank cards. Speaking about the incident Cllr Mathers stated:
"I wish to condemn this cowardly attack on an elderly man in the Meadow. This kind of incident is happening all too often and i would appeal to anyone who has any information to come forward so that these thugs can be caught. I would also appeal to people to look out for their neighbours especially our older folk, many of whom are living in fear due to the upsurge of recent burglaries in this area".

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Proposal for erection of bus shelter

A lot of work has been carried out in the Meadow area recently with the help of the local cumann and the councillor for that area Marian Mathers. One ongoing piece of the work is the proposal that a bus shelter be erected at the top end of the Meadow to accomodate both local residents and school children alike. Cllr Mathers met with the council official responsible for bus shelters some time ago to ascertain if funds were available for this. At the time all the funding had been used up but we have since learned that a bus shelter is available now. It was hoped that the bus shelter would be of a modern design with perspex sides and roof, but, after meeting with the council again we learned that the shelter available was one of the old type concrete bus shelters similar to those on the Camlough Road. We have begun a survey of the area to get a sense of how the residents would feel about this. It would be our hope to hold out to try and get one of the more modern type shelters which the residents and school children deserve. The older type shelters have in the past become an attraction for young people to congregate and engage in anti social behaviour, so all of this has to be taken into account before a final decision can be made.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Election in Full Swing

With only two weeks remaining until the 2010 Westminster election Sinn Fein members and activists have been engaging with the Newry electorate on a nightly basis. The response from local people has been overwhelming. It is fantastic to hear Newry people raise issues that Sinn Fein elected reps are dealing with on their behalf day and daily. It is clear to see that people fully understand Sinn Fein's strategy and they are applauding the leadership that is being shown.
View all of this with what the micro groupings are offering the people of Newry. The centre of Newry was targetted on Easter Saturday night by so called republicans armed with stencils and their sole target was Sinn Fein and the Republican Movement. Another Strike for Irish Freedom.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sinn Féin demand Maghaberry prisoners be treated with respect

Sinn Féin Assembly Member Mickey Brady MLA has called on the prison authorities to treat Republican prisoners in Maghaberry prison with respect and dignity.
Mickey Brady stated:
“Regardless of why anyone is in prison they are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. It is clear that the regime in place for republican prisoners in Maghaberry falls well short of this.
“Prisoners should not be held in 23 hour lock up, they should not have been denied the right to wear Easter Lilly’s and the decision to remove 28 men to the punishment blocks as a result of the weekends protest is wrong and counterproductive.
“There is a widely held belief that many of the problems in Maghaberry are directly linked to a POA which is still firmly wedded to the past. The Prison Service is one of those institutions that have to date escaped widespread scrutiny and much needed reform. This needs to be a priority for a new Justice Minister.”

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Events in Newry 2010

Wednesday 31st March - "From proclamation to present day" Talk hosted by Sinn Féin National Chairperson Declan Kearney will take place in Newry Arts centre at 7.30pm sharp everyone welcome.

Friday 2nd April - Republican Tour of Newry hosted by lifelong Republican Micky Collins will leave from the Sinn Féin Centre at 1pm.

Saturday 3rd April - Ceremonial event by Republican Youth re-enacting the reading of the Proclamation will take place on the steps of Newry Town Hall followed by Republican tour of Newry.

Easter Sunday 4th April - Assemble at 12 noon at Sinn Féin centre for annual parade to St Mary's Cemetery (Main Speaker Conor Murphy MP MLA).
Easter Sunday Lunch in Bellinis Newry at 2pm tickets available from office at £10 for adults, £5 for children followed by Republican Talent Contest.
Easter Sunday Night Irish Ballad Night in Nan Rices commencing at 7.30pm.

Easter Monday Night 5th April - Irish Ballad Night in McCoys Bar commencing at 9.00pm

Everyone welcome to come along and partake in any of the above events.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Important Passport Information

Please read statement below in relation to Irish passport applications:

Ó Caoláin advises holiday travellers to get passports in order now Sinn Féin Dáil Leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD has advised those who are planning to travel abroad on summer holidays to ensure now that their passports are in order. This warning comes at a time of growing industrial action in the public service, including the Passport Office. The Cavan-Monaghan Deputy said, “Because of the work-to-rule in the public service, passports are taking longer than usual to be processed and consequently a significant backlog is developing. The Fianna Fáil-Green Party Government’s intransigence in refusing to reverse the cuts to low-paid public sector wages means that the industrial action is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. “I have already been contacted by constituents who have had to cancel travel plans because their passports were not ready in time. However, staff in the Passport Office are currently refusing to deal with elected representatives, regardless of their politics and where they stand on the issues involved. With the summer holidays approaching there are likely to be many more people affected. The ten-day turnaround offered under the Passport Express service is no longer guaranteed. Therefore, anyone planning to travel abroad this summer should check now to make sure their passports are in order. If a passport needs renewing this should be done at the earliest opportunity possible.” Deputy Ó Caoláin concluded by reminding travellers that some countries require passports to be valid for at least six months after the intended date of departure and that this should be taken into account when considering whether a passport needs to be renewed. ENDS

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cowardly Attack

Sinn Fein councillor Marian Mathers has condemned yesterday's attack on a motorist who stopped his car on the Camlough Road to answer a phone call. The man's car was attacked by up to three men in their late teens with stones and bottles. When the man got out of the car he was assaulted by one of the men while another one tried unsuccessfully to steal the car keys from the ignition. Speaking about the incident last night Cllr Mathers stated;
"On behalf of myself and Sinn Féin I want to strongly condemn this cowardly attack and attempted car hijacking. The thugs responsible for this attack must be brought before the courts. I would call on anyone who has any information about this incident to come forward, there should be no hiding place for those responsible. This type of activity brings a bad name to this estate where many people have worked hard to redevelope the area and make it a safe an enjoyable place to live. There have been a number of incidents over the past few weeks whereby so called joy riders have returned. The PSNI must be more pro active to ensure that these anti social elements are removed from society before some one is killed."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Writing on the Wall???

I read recently that Dominic Bradley has been chosen to stand for the Stoop Down Low Party in the upcoming Westminster election in Newry/Armagh. This aptly named party who congratulated the hated RUC on the execution of Derrybeg man Colm Marks some years ago.

The Hughes Grant Watters cumann is looking forward to this election as we have no doubt that the people of Newry/Armagh will send a clear message to Dominic and his cheerleaders.

Conor Murphy has shown clear leadership down through the years unlike Dominic who appears to be at odds with himself especially on the education issue. Sinn Féin continues to grow from strength to strength and they are the party that people are putting their trust in.

Maybe Dominic sees the writing on the wall for his assembly seat and is hoping against all odds that he can retreat to London to hide from the real issues in this constituency just as his former leader has clearly done. Time will tell.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Clanrye Park

A number of concerns from residents of Clanrye Park and Helens Terrace raised a number of issues with members of the Hughes Grant Watters cumann lately. The issues ranged from a general clean up of the area to traffic calming measures. The cumann was also to the fore dealing with elderly people from the area who had recently been broken into.
Coming out of the recent meeting was a committment from the council to reduce the size of the wall around Clanrye Park which will allow motorists and residents to be able to see oncoming traffic on Pig Hall Lonan. As well as this the council have agreed to carry out a major clean up of Clanrye Park which will greatly enhance the whole area.

Friday, February 5, 2010

McGuinness welcomes agreement

Speaking at Hillsborough this morning at the announcement of a deal on the transfer of policing and justice powers from London to the North of Ireland Sinn Féin MP and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness said: “Cuirim fáilte roimh an Taoiseach, Príomh Aire na Breataine agus na páirtí uilig. “I am very pleased that we have concluded this agreement with the DUP. As everyone knows this has been a difficult negotiation. This is hardly a surprise given the reality that I am an Irish Republican and others here have a completely different view. I believe in a united Ireland. They want to maintain the union with England. “This should not mean that we are incapable of respecting each other, of treating one another as equals and proceeding on the basis of partnership, respect, fairness and equality. I am utterly determined to continue to work in good faith and with a good heart with my unionist colleagues. I want to work in harmony with Peter Robinson for the good of the entire community. “That is what Sinn Féin is about. We signed up for agreements on Good Friday and at St. Andrews and here today. We proceed on the basis of implementing these commitments. “We have agreed that the transfer of policing and justice powers to our power sharing government will happen on April 12th. We have agreed and put in place a process which will see the powers which oversee parades transfer to our administration before the end of this year. “We have agreed a process to progress the rights of Irish Language speakers and North/South aspects of the St. Andrews Agreement. Sinn Féin are in these political institutions to deliver for everyone. That’s what Sinn Féin Ministers and MLAs are here to do. I am a Minister for all citizens. “We are also agreed on the need to deliver for our community, it is what they expect. There are families and children living in poverty; elderly people feeling vulnerable and in fear. There are young families burdened by massive mortgages and in fear of losing their homes; people without jobs. “Our government needs to reach out to these people. It needs to deliver. We need to confront and defeat all kinds of hatred. With determined and courageous leadership we must continue to lead that shrinking minority out of the trenches of the past. In this I am confident we can be assured of the support of the vast majority of our people. We need to make life better for all our children and grandchildren. “That is what this agreement must mean in practice. Fully functioning political institutions operated for the people in true partnership and equality. Let us now all face into the future with confidence in ourselves and in the people who elect us.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ruane expresses alarm at PSNI officers arrest over Loughinisland atrocity

South Down Assembly Member Caitríona Ruane has expressed alarm at the arrest of a serving member of the PSNI over allegations of misconduct around the investigation of the 1994 Loughinisland atrocity.
Ms Ruane said: “The long and very difficult search for truth embarked on by the families has exposed the close collusion between Loyalist paramilitaries and the British state.
“The news that an arrest was made late last week by the police ombudsman’s man office of a serving member of the PSNI is unprecedented but not surprising.
“I understand that he is suspected of withholding evidence about Loyalists involved in the killing of six men in the Height’s Bar and that he was a member of the RUC at the time of the attack. He also worked in Downpatrick when the Loughinisland murders were being investigated and I share the families concern that this officer may have been well placed to deliberately pervert the course of justice.
“The families need to be told the truth about why and how their loved ones were killed and what role the state played in assisting their killers. Sinn Féin will support their courageous efforts to find justice and a thorough investigation must be carried out into the role of individual RUC officers and state forces.
“The fact that so much evidence was lost or destroyed in the months and years that followed this terrible atrocity suggests cover-up and close collusion.”

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

True Colours

We were very disappointed but not surprised to read that Derrybeg Community Association has officially aligned itself to Dominic Bradley and the SDLP. After all it was Dominic's colleague Eddie McGrady who congratulted the hated RUC after the brutal execution of Derrybeg man and IRA Volunteer Colm Marks in Downpatrick. The people of Derrybeg know who is doing the work on their behalf on a daily basis. This article was an attack and an insult to all the work that Sinn Féin has done down through the years but we have no doubt that the people will continue to support Sinn Féin in the upcoming election.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Upsurge on Attacks in Community

There has been a recent upsurge in attacks on the elderly especially in the Meadow area. The first of these attacks was the cowardly attack on an elderly man from Killeavy Road before Christmas, he was badly beaten and hospitalised and had a number of legally held weapons stolen. More recently an elderly woman was attacked in her home in Clanyre Avenue and the thugs involved were looking for money, the woman was left very badly shaken and as a result has refused to return to her home. We in Sinn Féin have been working closely with the family to try and resolve the issue and get her rehoused as quickly as possible. The third attack happened last week in Clanyre Park, again an elderly man was attacked and a sum of money stolen from him and his home ransacked. Cllr Charlie Casey has been working on the man's behalf to try and get damage caused by the thugs repaired as quickly as possible.
We have actively challenged the PSNI on their response times to incidents in this area and will continue to monitor their action or inaction for that matter. We have also been working closely with the local community association and have obtained several dozen safety devices which will help to ensure that our older folk feel safe in their homes. Anyone who would contemplate attacking an older person has no place in our society and the community needs to work together to eradicate this scourge from our areas. If you know anyone that would like to avail of one of these safety devices feel free to contact any member of Sinn Féin.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Don't miss out on winter fuel payment – Mickey Brady MLA

Newry Armagh Sinn Féín MLA Mickey Brady has called upon people in Newry / Armagh to ensure that they don't miss out on the Winter Fuel Allowance (WFA). People over the age of 60 are entitled to the benefit, which helps alleviate the financial strain on order citizens during the winter period.
Mickey said:
"In order to apply for the Winter Fuel Payment you must be aged 60 or over during 21 to 27 September 2009 and normally live in the north of Ireland. Those who are eligible can get up to £250 which increases to £400 if the person is aged 80 or over.
"Couples both aged 60 and over whom qualify and who are receiving Pension Credit or income-based Jobseeker's Allowance will get one payment made to the person receiving that benefit, the other person is not entitled to the payment.

"If you're aged 60 or over by 27 September 2009 and getting a State Pension or other benefit (not including Housing Benefit or Child Benefit) there's no need to apply - Winter Fuel Payment should be paid to you automatically.

"However if you are not currently receiving benefits but are over the age of 60 years I would urge you to apply for this Winter Fuel Payment. All claims for the 2009-2010 payment must be received by 30 March 2010. People can receive these forms through the Department of Social Development website. Alternatively people can contact the helpline on 084 59 15 15 15 .
Mickey finished by stating;

"Last year over £100 million went unclaimed on benefits and one of the biggest sections that missed out was pensioners.
"Many people do not understand the complicated benefit system and are missing out on benefits that they are entitled too. That’s why I felt it was important to host several very successful benefits awareness days across the city in the past year.

New Year Message From Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams

In his New Year message Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams today said:
“2009 will be remembered as difficult year economically for people across Ireland. Global circumstances may have contributed but the decisions and policies of the Fianna Fáil/Green Party government, and its predecessors, and the greed and dishonesty of some bankers and speculators, have shaped this crisis. 2010 must see a sustained effort to sort this mess out.
“In June Sinn Féin became the largest party in the North. We have continued to show leadership through trying and difficult political circumstances. The two governments have failed to deliver on commitments made. Sections of political unionism continue to resist the need for power sharing on the basis of equality and partnership impossible. Through all of this our focus has been on ensuring that the all Ireland political institutions are stable and those citizens rights and entitlements are guaranteed.
“A Westminster election will take place in 2010. In advance of this a sustained effort to see the implementation of the outstanding aspects of the Good Friday and St. Andrews Agreements, including the transfer of powers on policing and justice will take place. Republicans will do all in our power to ensure that this is successful. It is the interests of all citizens that we have institutions which can deliver. That means institutions operated on the basis of partnership and equality and on the basis that political agreements entered into are implemented.
“Aside from politics, personally the last number of weeks has been a difficult period for my family and myself. I would like to thank people across Ireland who have been in touch to express their solidarity with us at this time.”

Blog From Gerry Adams

Maghaberry PrisonTwo weeks ago a Sinn Fein delegation, including elected representatives Caral Ní Chuilín, John O’Dowd, Paul Maskey and Raymond McCartney visited Maghaberry prison to view conditions and meet with prisoners. Coiste Na nIar Chimí representative Michael Culbert was also part of the delegation. I had already discussed the Maghaberry situation with Minister of Justice David Ford and asked for clearance for the Sinn Fein prison visit. At the start of this week Martin McGuinness and Raymond McCartney MLA also met with him on this situation. In addition Caral Ní Chuilín MLA has also met and had several conversations by phone with the Head of Prisons in the north Robin Masefield.The news on Tuesday evening that Liam Hannaway had ended his hunger strike was therefore welcome news. He had raised a number of issues with the Sinn Féin delegation when they met him two weeks ago. These were discussed directly with the prison administration and the Justice Minister. It was clear from all the conversations that have taken place that with the necessary political will all of the issues relating to Liam Hannaway, and indeed the wider problems in Roe House can be resolved.The fact that another prisoner Harry Fitzsimons, who had been held in the punishment block, had now been moved back into Roe House was also a welcome development.It clear that there are problems with the regime in Maghaberry. Maghaberry has been the focus of a series of critical reports over a number of years.In 2006, an inspection made over 155 recommendations but more than half were never implemented. The most recent inspector’s report made over 200 recommendations and concluded that the current situation in Maghaberry could not be allowed to continue. Last year, the prison governor and his deputy were dismissed and 13 members of staff disciplined following an inquiry into the suicide of a prisoner in August 2008. Subsequent reports were highly critical of the way the prison was being run and disciplinary procedures were taken against prison staff who it was alleged were surfing the net and watching television rather than being on suicide watch.Four prisoners have taken their own lives in the last 4 years in Maghaberry.A new governor, brought in last July to implement reform, faced open hostility from staff. Following his car registration number and name being found in a prisoner's cell the governor resigned amidst fears for his safety. Subsequently the Prisoner Ombudsman Pauline McCabe was asked to carry out an investigation when it was alleged that a member of the prison staff planted the note in order to intimidate the Governor. Earlier this year, increasing tensions between staff and prisoners culminated in protests by a number of segregated prisoners, including a 48-hour lock-in of prisoners during Easter. Recently relatives of some of these prisoners have been in contact with Sinn Féin representatives in relation to the situation in Maghaberry. The Sinn Fein delegation that visited Maghaberry on May 14th had access to the segregated wing and met with ten prisoners representing various groups within Roe House. The delegation also met with the current governor, Alan Craig, and other members of the administration. The prisoners raised a number of issues. They included complaints about a number of punitive actions such as the use of strip-searching as harassment of both prisoners and their visitors and a range of other conditions-related issues that were very familiar to the former prisoners on the delegation. The prisoners cited one clear example of this. Despite the fact that it was obviously unnecessary, prisoners appearing by video link for remand were being subjected to strip-searches. The proximity of dogs in the visit processing area, the presence of the PSNI in the visitors’ area, the public identification of those who are to be strip-searched, and visitors being threatened with arrest if they refuse to be strip-searched, were also raised. The delegation assured them their concerns would be conveyed to the prison administration, the Prison Service and to the Justice Minister – and they have.Republicans have a long experience of prisons and of hostile and antagonistic prison systems. It is our belief that prisoners and their families must be treated with dignity and respect. Prisoners have rights and the prison regime should reflect this. There is currently a review taking place into the prison regime. It is our intention to continue to pursue all the matters involved with the Minister of Justice and the Prison system.
Posted by Gerry Adams at 4:42 PM

The following is a statement from Sinn Féin delegation who recently visited prisoners in Maghaberry

McCartney details Sinn Féin delegation visit and ‘serious concerns’ about Maghaberry situation

Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney was part of a Sinn Féin delegation which entered Maghaberry Gaol last Friday. The delegation included Mr McCartney, Carál Ní Chuilín MLA, Paul Maskey MLA and John O’Dowd MLA. The Sinn Féin team was accompanied by Michael Culbert of Coiste na nIarchimí.

The delegation reported back to the Sinn Féin Assembly Team on Monday morning.

Speaking after the visit Raymond McCartney described the meeting with Roe House prisoners as “a very positive engagement” in which the men had outlined their concerns.

“A range of issues were raised by the prisoners. They included complaints about a number of punitive actions such as the use of strip searching as harassment of both prisoners and their visitors and a range of other conditions-related issues that were very familiar to the former prisoners on the delegation,” said Mr McCartney.

“It was clear that with the right political will that all of these issues could be resolved. The delegation discussed all of this with the ten prisoners we met and assured them their concerns would be conveyed to the prison administration, the Prison service and to the Justice Minister,” said McCartney.

A number of matters concerned with the harassment of visitors were also raised by the delegation. These included the proximity of dogs in the visit processing area, the presence of the PSNI in the visitors-area, the public selecting of who is to be strip searched and visitors being threatened with arrest if they refuse to be strip searched.

Prisoners also raised issues of access, particularly the practice of forcing segregated prisoners to eat their meals in the cells.

“The delegation also met with Liam Hannaway whose health has become a matter of concern. Liam outlined his concerns, all of which centred on prison conditions and procedures. It was the firm belief of the delegation that all of these issues could be satisfactorily dealt with by the governor,” said Raymond.

The delegation had requested to meet with Harry Fitzsimmons, a prisoner being held in isolation, but this did not happen due to a misunderstanding.

“Harry’s lawyer contacted me last Saturday to explain the situation and assure me that his client was not in any way snubbing the delegation. The delegation had sought to visit Harry after his family raised concerns about his health and well being,” said Mr McCartney.

It has also been reported that Harry Fitzsimmons has been subjected to physical assault by members of the prison staff.

“After our 3 hour meeting with the prisoners, the delegation met with the governor again to outline their concerns and suggestions. In the coming period Sinn Fein will meet with the director general of the prison service, with representatives of the prison administration as well as the Minister for Justice, David Ford, regarding our deep concerns about the current situation for prisoners and their families in Maghaberry,” he concluded.

Week of Activities

Week of Activities
Hunger Strike Commemoration