Once again the Derrybeg Estate has been used by the PSNI TSG (Tactical Support Group) personnel to bring the area into bad press. After extensive enquiries and after speaking to many local people, the blame for what happened on Friday night lies firmly at the feet of those in charge of the PSNI operation on the night.
We were informed on Friday night that a "suspicious object" was discovered at the Camlough Road Roundabout resulting in the closure of many roads in and around this area. The "suspicious object" was not in or was it near the DERRYBEG ESTATE or CARNAGAT, so, therefor there was absolutley no need for heavily armed PSNI men in armoured land rovers to be anywhere near these areas let alone in them.
If the PSNI are serious about impartial policing then they need to work very hard with local people to address this serious issue which arises every time something like this happens on this road. From the accounts that we received from local people on the ground, the PSNI continually provoked young people (many as young as 10 years of age) by driving land rovers at them and deliberately parking in the middle of the road hoping for a reaction.
If this "object" was causing so much disruption, then, we would like to know how one of our elected reps was able to walk within yards of the slip road up onto the bypass, indeed an ambulance drove straight past the scene without being stopped or warned of the danger. We even had workers from a local factory making their way home unhindered. One resident from the area described the scene as a throwback to the 1970's.
We in Sinn Féin are determined not to allow a small number of PSNI members drag us back to a situation where young people are being antagonised into riot situations which then leaves them facing serious charges in the courts. The people of this area demand and deserve a proper police service and also demand to be treated no differently than people from other affluent parts of the town.
Local residents must be commended on their selfless actions in trying to quell what was a very dangerous situation. Sinn Féin is working hard on a daily basis to bring the PSNI to account on a range of issues and we recognise the efforts made by residents and applaud them. For those of us who have been about in the bad old days of the RUC we are determined to ensure that this area receives proper accountable community policing.